Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for the amazing outpouring of support for Dream Design Live yesterday! I am blown away by the kind words, generous feedback, and all of the orders that have come in. We are currently #2 on Amazon in the Decorating category behind Joanna Gaines of HGTV fame, so THANK YOU! My book tour officially kicks off today with my first book event at FOUND in Houston this evening. Next week, I will be in New York for four book signings. If you are in the city or in the area, I hope you’ll make it to one of the events. I’d love to meet you and hear your thoughts about Dream Design Live!
First up, I’ll be in Short Hills, New Jersey for a book signing at Williams Sonoma with whom I am currently working on an exciting project. If you’re in the New Jersey area, I’d love for you to come and to help spread the word about the event! This is a ticketed event, so you’ll need to sign up through this link. Please note that the price shown for the event includes your copy of the book and NJ sales tax. There isn’t a charge for admission, just the price of the book!
On Wednesday, I’ll be back in Manhattan for a fabulous soiree at The Studio at One Kings Lane. A visit to their studio is always inspiring and this promises to be a super fun event! Please be sure to RSVP in advance.
On Thursday, during What’s New What’s Next, one of the most hotly anticipated design events of the year, I will be speaking on a lively panel discussion with House Beautiful Editor-in-Chief, Sophie Donelson along with designers Chloe Warner and Gideon Mendelson on how modern elements can invigorate a room. After the panel discussion, there will be a book signing. Our host, Circa Lighting is generously giving away a free copy of the book to each of the first 100 people at the book signing! Please be sure to RSVP.
Last, but most certainly not least on next week’s agenda, I’ll be in Locust Valley, NY on the morning of Friday, September 14th for a lovely breakfast and book signing with Meg Braff and Elizabeth Pash at their beautiful shops. I am so excited to see Locust Valley and to be with these lovely and supportive women. I hope to see you there!
For additional dates and cities on the book tour, please see the current list of dates here. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the blog in order to be the first to know when we add more dates to the tour!
from La Dolce Vita https://ift.tt/2M6nDmu

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