Merry Christmas! One of my very favorite holiday traditions is sending holiday cards and especially receiving them from our friends and family. It’s so nice to see our loved one’s adventures, children, and pets. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful things this year has had in store for us, from trips to Paris, San Miguel de Allende, and Round Hill in Jamaica to my whirlwind book tour this fall. So many blessings! I have a lot to be thankful for including each of you and your continued readership and support. Thank you for allowing me into your lives on a daily basis. Your feedback, loyalty, and enthusiasm over the past eleven and a half years means so much to me.
The holiday season is always such a busy time for everyone, so we are very much looking forward to celebrating Christmas at home with our family this weekend. I really enjoy the end of the year because it provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all of the good things and growth opportunities from the current year as well as a chance to set goals and plan for the year to come. I have some big, exciting things planned for 2019 and as such, really want to take the opportunity to unplug a bit and get inspired next week, so I will be posting a little less than usual. Merry Christmas!
from La Dolce Vita http://bit.ly/2Lyn8Df

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