{Just a Few of the Books in my Personal Library}
Every spring and fall, I eagerly anticipate the new book releases. I am legitimately addicted to books and have always been fascinated by them. One of my favorite memories from my childhood is of my mom taking me to the public library every couple of weeks. I would peruse the shelves and fill up my big canvas bag with books upon books to devour at home. When I was growing up, I knew that as an adult, I would be happy if I had two simple things: a house filled with books and the ability to travel often. I am grateful to say that I have both.
The thing about addictions is that you always want more, so I am always thinking about the next place to visit, and I am constantly ordering books online. This spring promises to be quite fruitful in terms of inspiring new books in the design, fashion, and entertaining categories. I am planning to order so many wonderful new titles including a slew of gorgeous, new design books. There are so many titles that will be released this spring that I cannot wait to get my hands on!
{Photography by Max Burkhalter for Paloma Contreras}
from La Dolce Vita http://bit.ly/2v2KGbU

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