Can you believe it is the last Friday of 2018? Each year seems to fly by more quickly than the last. With New Year’s Eve just a few nights away, we plan to ring in the New Year at home in our PJs and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Honestly, I don’t usually care for New Year’s Eve or the ridiculous expectations that come with it, but I do love to usher in the New Year with a fresh set of goals and a positive mindset. I certainly don’t have it all figured out, but I feel that I am the product of a fine-tuned vision, strong work ethic, and the advice and example of the people I trust and admire. As a result, several long-term goals that I have been working on for a couple of years, including my book, Dream Design Live, came to fruition this year. This week, while my office has been closed for the holidays, I have had the opportunity to think a lot about the things that I would like to accomplish in 2019 and have started laying the groundwork to make those goals happen. I’ve had some wonderful mentors in my life and I believe in paying it forward, so I thought I might share my best advice to help you live your “dolce vita” in 2019. This advice isn’t specific to any one person or goal, but it is more about your frame of mind and believing in yourself. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, how can anyone else?
No. 1: Instead of resolutions, set intentions this year. Let’s face it, most of us break our resolutions within a few weeks. Intentions are less specific and focus on the big picture. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making super specific resolutions, instead, make your intentions part of an overall mindset.
No. 2: Reflect on what you learned about yourself in 2018. Good or bad, how can you use those lessons to improve yourself and your life in 2019? Experience is our greatest teacher, so whether you attempted something in 2018 and failed or you found your stride and really excelled at something, think about how you can leverage that knowledge into something greater in the new year.
No. 3: Are your professional goals in line with your personal intentions? Tying them together and ensuring that they are in sync will increase your chances for success. Sometimes, it may seem that our professional and personal lives may get in the way of one another. Being married to an incredibly supportive husband who works in my same industry and not having children certainly makes things a little less complicated for me, but a couple of years ago, I received the brilliant advice of tying a professional goal to a personal one. This way, all of your efforts are in line with one another and your chances of achieving success are multiplied.
No. 4: What were your greatest triumphs in 2018? How can you build upon them in the new year? Think about what you did really well this past year. Did people commend you for a certain personality trait or for the way you executed a specific project this year? What do these things say about you? Identifying our own strengths is a powerful exercise and allows us to get into the type of mindset that leads to achievement. It is also important to celebrate our small victories en route to a bigger goal.
No.5: Think big, get BIG! Think positively, get positive results! Success is a state of mind. Challenge yourself to banish negative thoughts and approach opportunities from a place of yes. Staying in a positive frame of mind can be difficult, but I believe that you attract the same energy that you exude. Be intentional and deliberate in order to support your goals. The biggest obstacle to success is often our own mindset. Sometimes, I find that I can get in my own way when it comes to the really big goals I want to achieve. I start doubting the possibilities or creating laundry lists of reasons why it won’t work. But why shouldn’t it? If you have the skills, knowledge, talent, and passion for something, there is no reason not to try! It may sound a little hokey or new-agey, but challenge yourself to have a positive mindset from the time you wake up tomorrow. Rise to meet the day with intention and be open to positivity and possibility. You may just be surprised at how many things will work out by simply changing your mindset.
This week, I have been reflecting on my inner desires and working on my list of goals for 2019. Thankfully, they line up in both my personal and professional lives (it’s pretty much the same thing at this point!). There are some larger, scarier goals that will take time to come to fruition and then there are smaller, achievable goals that will help me to stay motivated and in a positive state of mind on the road to making those big goals come true. I’ve decided that some of the scary goals will be made more palatable if I tie them to “good, better, best” case scenarios so that even if I don’t knock it out of the park with the best outcome, but attain a good or better outcome, I can still be proud of the hard work leading to the accomplishment.
How do you feel about resolutions? Do you set annual goals? Do you believe in the power of intention and positive thinking? I’d love to hear what has worked for you and wish you all the best in 2019!
from La Dolce Vita http://bit.ly/2BLhr0g

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