In light of the fact that everyone is currently self-isolating at home, several people have reached out asking for recommendations on my favorite design books. If we look for the silver lining in this stressful situation, we might find that being confined to our homes will give us more time for introspection, research, and inspiration. These are all great things! My hope is that as things are slowing down, I will have some time to dive into my library each day in order to gather inspiration for the design projects we are currently working on at Paloma Contreras Design. Time is something I rarely have enough of, so the fact that I have to stay put for a while is a gift.
I usually share lists of my favorite books of the year around the holidays in my Bibliophile gift guide and in the Spring and Fall, when the new releases come out, I typically share reviews of the books I am most excited about. One follower in particular asked for my list of my top favorite, must-have books that serve the dual purpose of being inspiring enough to go back to and read over and over as well as having a beautiful design that is at home on any coffee table or bookshelf. I thought long and hard about my favorite books. It was rather challenging editing my list down because there are so many wonderful books that I absolutely love and from which I draw inspiration time and time again. I’ve compiled a list of ten of my favorite design-centered coffee table books, which appear here in no particular order. If you find this list helpful and enjoyable, I’ll happily share more of my recommendations for must-have books. If you have other requests for posts that you would like to see from me, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
{Get Your Copies: Dream Design Live by Paloma Contreras | Beige is Not a Color by Carlos Mota | Vogue Living: Country City Coast by Hamish Bowles & Chloe Malle | Tory Burch: In Color by Tory Burch | Decorating the Way I See It by Markham Roberts| Michele Bonan: The Gentleman of Style by Michel Bonan | In Pursuit of Beauty by Timothy Whealon | Out East: Houses and Gardens of the Hamptons by Jennifer Ash Rudick | Beautiful by Mark D. Sikes– Mark’s second book, More Beautiful: All American Decorating is now available for pre-order! | Lee by Lee Radziwill | Houses That We Dreamt Of by Delphine and Reed Krakoff | The Big Book of Chic by Miles Redd}
P.S. Don’t forget, there will be one more to add to your list come September when my book, Dream Design Live is published by Abrams!
from La Dolce Vita https://ift.tt/2TVOVmT

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